Anna Pavelikina
Hi, everyone. Nice to meet you. I am Anna. My main life values are God, family, honesty, quality and simplicity. All my life I was treating my close ones with herbs and natural medicine. I am qualified Master Living Nutrition Practitioner (please see other degrees and diplomas below.) And I have been working with cellular health protocol and test-based nutrition over two years now and see fantastic results. It is proven by science that with the help of the test it can be found out from which cells our every organ is built. According to 1mln tests done worldwide 97% of people have too much inflammation which is in 95% the root cause of all modern diseases. So, if the root cause is removed a lot of symptoms simply fade away and sometimes the person can partially or completely reverse the condition. I have many successful stories and they are amazing! Please ask me about your condition.
I am personally involved in the Global Project with the largest database of nearly 1mln tests for 11 fatty acids profile all over the world. Which shows that more than 95% of people today live in chronic inflammation and 99% of kids which is a terrifying number.
Do your supplements work or do you belong to 95% of people who live in chronic inflammation? I don’t know. No guessing anymore do a test today and find out. The good news is that if you invest in health protocol and your test comes back green (meaning in balance) you get all your money back! So, nothing to loose but if it comes back red there is a solution to it and IT IS POSSIBLE TO GAIN YOUR HEALTH AND BALANCE BACK! The choice is yours!
Have you ever asked yourself why today when we have the best technology, kids especially get sick earlier and earlier?... I leave it for you to decide... and my family, kids and friends and some lucky nutritionists have decided already and are taking Health Protocol on a daily basis.